Friday, April 23, 2010


Why is it that our dogs don’t like to be clean? How come we spend tons of money making our dogs cute and smell good, and then they love to get dirty? I guess they are a lot like children and love to be little rebels.

It can get frustrating when you plant grass in your backyard or spend hours grooming your flowers and then you go out there and there is dirt everywhere and BUNKERS dug in the grass! Be careful not to fall in a hole and sprain your ankle, that would just add to the frustration.

The cold hard truth is:
  • Dogs love to bury things, dog toys, dog bones, and even bits of their food sometimes. Not sure who they are hiding their items from but still they dig and hide.
  • Dogs love to try and dig under the fence, to visit other dogs or possibly to just run amuck! Maybe they are curious about what is on the other side of the fence.
  • If you live where the climate can get hot, some dogs dig to lay in the cool earth. Again, getting nasty and dirty, but doing what dogs do.
  • Some dogs dig because they are looking for bugs, or smell something yummy underground. Maybe they smell rodents, or bugs or possibly a earlier treat.
  • Maybe your dog is just bored and doesn’t get a lot of physical activity. If you leave your dog outside for extended periods of time, they more than likely are going to be a ditch digger. Really, what else is there to do?
Digging is one of the major complaints of dog owners. Not many dog owners have never dealt with the digging dog. It is simply a part of dog ownership and more than likely will disappear as they get older.

If the digging continues, and you just cannot handle it any longer, go to your local pet store and look for items to deter him from the dirt.

Continue to be patient with your dirty pawed friend and hope that this is just a “phase”. Try exercising your dog, or giving him a interactive dog toy outside to keep him busy. If he continues, maybe make your backyard a baseball field or land mine and just ride out the storm. Maybe try the "if you can't beat up, join em" and get him a Digging Dog in Sand Ceramic Dog Bowl or a "I can dig it" dog tank to wear!

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